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5 Motivating Reasons to Declutter So Garage Doors in Houston Open to Organized Spaces

5 Motivating Reasons to Declutter So Garage Doors in Houston Open to Organized Spaces

February 18, 2015

For most people, the hardest part of decluttering their garage is just getting started. However, once you get a bit of momentum going, you’ll be surprised and amazed at just what you can accomplish. Use this list to help motivate you to break past your resistance and procrastination. Finally, you can organize that garage so that garage doors in Houston open up to clutter-free spaces. Here are five benefits of decluttering to motivate you to get started: 1. Better Organization, Less Stress Less clutter almost invariably means being more organized, and this always leads to a less stressful, more peaceful life experience. Not having to trip on your way to your car, rummage through stacks of boxes on the floor or search for yard equipment in a sea of clutter will reduce time spent feeling agitated. You’ll also no longer have to worry about your overhead door in Houston closing on your belongings. 2.  The “Feng Shui” Effect The ancient Asian art of Feng Shui is all about optimizing the space in a room or area for the healthiest flow of “chi,” or life force energy throughout it. One of Feng Shui’s primary principles is reducing or eliminating as much clutter as possible. Since everything is energy, clutter has a “draining” effect, even in the garage. Getting rid of it can result in your having more energy while in that room/area as well as throughout your entire day. 3. The Minimalist Advantage Since the economic downturn in 2008, “minimalism” has been a growing trend. Paring down your material possessions and extraneous clutter is often extremely liberating. Doing so can help free up your time, energy and attention for more meaningful pursuits like recreational activities with the family or finally finishing that landscaping project. Make use of a self storage facility to store larger items that you want to keep; garage doors in Houston function much better with bulky items out of the way. 4. More Space = Room to Grow Having more space has a lovely, expansive effect on most people. You just seem to breathe easier, feel lighter, freer and have room to grow. With more space in your garage, you’ll likely be able to think more clearly, be more creative and become open to new ideas, projects and purchases; perhaps it’s time for that new car? Consider also shopping for garage doors in Houston to complete your garage makeover. 5. A Cleaner, Safer Space A garage free of clutter will be more sanitary and safer for both adults and chidren. While clutter tends to attract more and more of itself, a clean, clear space can often motivate you to keep it safe and organized. Garage decluttering gets easier and easier after you’ve gotten past the hurdle of just getting started. Use this list of benefits as motivation, and you’ll soon have an organized, optimized garage space that the whole family can enjoy.
