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Garage Door Repair for Houston Garage Doors

Garage Door Repair for Houston Garage Doors

February 28, 2013

[Posted on February 28th, 2013 by Matt Davis] The beauty of a newly installed garage door system is not limited to curb appeal or the increased property value. It is easy to take this dynamic system of engineering for granted as it performs so well. This article discusses the ways you can keep your new door operating smoothly for years to come by adhering to a routine garage door repair Houston schedule at the first signs of trouble. The Largest of Moving Parts The home’s garage door represents the largest and most heavy moving part of the home. Taking on garage door repair in Houston as a DIY project is highly discouraged. The potential for serious injury and even death are all too real.?The system that allows problem-free operation is easily maintained with some basic routine monitoring. Maintaining routine visual inspections will help you stay ahead of costly repairs and minimize the potential for accidents. Respecting the System In order to lift the massive weight of a garage door, the system design employs the use of heavy-duty springs fitted under extreme tension; this is what allows the door to operate in an apparently effortless fashion. However, it is important to bear in mind this is a system that is moving crushing weight under intense pressure. These doors may be a single piece of material that swings up or out or a sectional door that rolls along a track. Electronic controls are responsible for engaging the movement of the door using hardware that fastens springs and cables to counterbalance the weight. Tampering with this mechanism can result in serious bodily injury. Between the tension and the electrical voltage, mishandling may not allow a second chance to get it right. Areas that a homeowner can maintain are: 1. Performing monthly visual inspections – with the garage door closed, stand inside the space in order to look over the door, springs, cables, pulleys, rollers, hinges and other mounting hardware for any wear and tear. Loose fittings, signs of fraying or anything that does not look right may signify symptoms of serious trouble that should be checked out by a professionally trained technician. 2. Testing the balance of the door – automatic doors may be manually lifted when disconnected. Lifting the door manually should be a smooth resistance-free process with the door remaining up when fully opened. Any difficulty in performing this function could signify the need for a service call. 3. Checking the photo eye and reversing mechanism – Federal law passed in 1993 made it mandatory for garage door systems to be equipped with safety measures to prevent entrapment. Test the auto-reverse mechanism by placing a piece of 2 x 4 on the floor beneath the door and activating the auto-close feature. Upon contact with the wood, the door should stop closing and reverse. The photo eye can be tested by waving a broomstick or other elongated object over the eye’s view to “break the beam.” Cleaning the eye with a soft cloth may be useful for simple impairment, but if any of these functions fail to perform, it is advised to consult with a service technician. 4. Testing the force setting – if pushing on the bottom of your automatic garage door as it is closing with flat opened hands as it descends does not cause the door to reverse, the closing force is too excessive and should be adjusted by a service technician. 5. Applying lubricant – at least twice a year, a small application of lubricant spray on hinges, tracks and rollers will help to keep the system running smoothly.
